There’s only one sure purpose in life,
and that’s the pleasure of feeling alive.
Everything else is bullshit.
Bullshit eats life. Bullshit shits death.
Politics is bullshit.
Jobs are bullshit.
Hate is bullshit.
God is bullshit
when jealously raging, but
catch Her dancing, that’s
life for the living!
No bullshit! Join in!
Twitter is bullshit.
Facebook is bullshit.
Medium has its moments,
but it’s mostly bullshit, too.
TV is bullshit. The internet is bullshit.
This could all be a simulation, a dead
bullshit copy of something once alive.
Fake News is bullshit.
Real News is bullshit.
Walk outside. Hug a tree.
If, with your skin pressed
to the cool, gray bark,
you find yourself looking
at your phone, that’s bullshit.
Your to-do list is bullshit.
Your morning routine is bullshit,
crushed or otherwise.
(Crushed bullshit. Think about it).
So, what isn’t bullshit?
Little kids know this.
New lovers know this.
Flowers know this.
There’s the sun! Turn! Turn!
Play isn’t bullshit.
Love isn’t bullshit.
You can trust joy and glee
to be near-bullshit-free.
Every dead thing consumes your aliveness,
your only sure purpose in life.
So, resist! You’re alive! Now, feel it! Feel it!
Everything else is bullshit.