"Anyone can do this. Spiritual awakening, in Jack Preston King's view, may be hard work, but it is not complicated work. The path to enlightenment is really rather shockingly simple. Fall out of love with the dream. Reclaim your psychic energy. Wake up to reality.”
– Adam Clark, book reviewer, humancafe.com
The entire universe, the earth, our own bodies are constructed of nothing but reality, and so, by rights, we ought to experience truth directly and be in touch with reality as it is at all times, as a simple consequence of being real creatures embedded in an objectively real world. But it doesn’t work that way. Instead, if we bother to concern ourselves with such things at all, we must sweat and work and struggle to catch the tiniest glimpse of anything real beyond the self-centered maelstrom of illusion that defines and engulfs our ordinary, daily lives.
One big reason this is so is that the vast majority of methods by which we have been taught by society, education, religion, etc. to look at the reality around and within ourselves are surreptitiously designed to obscure truth, rather than to reveal it. We don’t like to think that’s what’s happening, that we’ve been bamboozled, but that’s the truth of it. This fundamental perceptual problem is no accident. The chief goal of The Simplest Path is to clarify the mechanism allowing this core psychic deception to operate with impunity in our lives, and to provide practical tools for breaking its power to control our minds.
Life is but a dream– a hypnotic dream from which we must choose to awaken if we wish to achieve true personal freedom, see global transformation occur in our lifetimes, and reclaim our ultimate cosmic destiny as human beings.
This book contains keys to awakening. Awakening from our personal dream frees us to fluidly craft our personalities, environments, relationships, careers, etc. as an artist paints a landscape or a sculptor teases form from formless clay. All of us awakening together from the shared dream of the planet will mark the birth of our species out of our current global nightmare of decline into a limitless future literally beyond our present ability to imagine, even in our "wildest dreams," indeed.
Are you pursuing your destiny, or surrendering to your fate (and how can you know the difference)? What stories do you tell yourself about yourself, and how do those stories impact your life? How does your past shape your future, and can you change it? Why is love so difficult, and what can you do about it? What if life really is a game, and the rules are hidden deep within you? Join Jack Preston King as he shines a mythological light on everyday life questions like these, drawing inspiration from myths Greek and Sumerian, Christian and Gnostic, as ancient as the Big Bang, and as modern as Star Wars.
Includes a free, full-length preview of “Mythology is a Language. It’s How Our Souls Speak to Us,” from King’s book Could All Religions Be True? The Short Answer is YES. Essays from Outside the Spiritual Box.
The Philosophical Problem of Religious Diversity, stated simply, is that the religions of the world contradict each other in important particulars, including, but not limited to, the existence of God, the nature of God, the number of gods, the role God or gods play in human affairs, and our destiny after death (Heaven? Hell? Purgatory? Reincarnation? Oblivion?). Religious believers typically solve the problem by embracing one religion and rejecting the rest. For atheists, the contradictions invalidate all religions equally
But is there a third way? Could all religions be true? What if followers of just one religion and atheists who reject all religions are both wrong? Are there ways to think about reality in which diverse religious beliefs, even in their conflicting particulars, could all be simultaneously true?
So far, Jack Preston King has found four. In Could All Religions Be True?, King explores those theories in depth, then takes the reader on a rollicking journey outside the spiritual box, forging new and enlightening paths through religion, spirituality, the soul, the afterlife, mythology, out of body experiences, even Goddess worship and Jungian Psychology.
Could all religions be true? The short answer is YES!
Dreams are more than random neural firings in your brain. They’re a language. The entity sending you nightly messages in this nonverbal, symbolic dream language is your own unconscious mind. All dreams, even the scary or disturbing ones, have your best interest at heart. They’re messages from you to you.
The “dreammaker” is you, your unconscious mind, which speaks in images. The intended recipient of the dream message is also you, your conscious mind, which uses words. Interpreting dreams, then, is mostly a matter of translation.
The more you work with your dreams, the easier interpretation gets. Yes, you have to learn the language of imagery in which your personal “dreammaker” speaks, and that takes effort. But over time, that language will sink in and become natural to you, the way someone studying French or Spanish eventually stops needing to look up every word or phrase. Eventually, they simply speak the language.
And, with practice interpreting your dreams, so will you.
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Do arrogant Twitter atheists make your blood boil? When Richard Dawkins, the Amazing Randi, or Bill Nye the Science Guy smugly tell you how stupid you are for believing in God, or psychic powers, or ghosts, or the afterlife, or even your own immortal soul, do you want to just reach through the screen and strangle them?
You’re going to love this book.
Jack Preston King is not an apologist for any one religion or spiritual path. He’s a defender of the human spiritual impulse in all its forms. In these 16 rollicking essays, King makes the case for both the reality and importance of spiritual experience, citing Psychology, neuroscience, Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, Philosophy, and even pop culture icons Philip K. Dick, the Face on Mars, and the 1980s console video game Frogger.
Read this book, and the next time some jerk on Twitter says magic isn’t real, and human beings are soulless, chemically-driven animals inhabiting a dead, material universe, you’ll be armed and ready to make your stand In Defense of Magical Thinking.
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We can end hate. We can transform global culture. We can change the world.
To accomplish Big Goals like these, we’ll need Big Ideas to inspire us.
Here are ten of mine:
1. Be a cultural revolutionary, not just a political one.
2. Wage Peace (don’t just fight a war against war).
3. Have the right kind of courage.
4. Walk the talk (live your values, don’t just talk about them).
5. Learn to love (not just tolerate) people who don’t look, think or act like you.
6. Stop projecting your fears, faults and failures (especially onto People of Color).
7. Demand a world that works for everybody (know the ten nonnegotiables).
8. Choose everyone’s happiness, not just your own.
9. Be the kind of person who saves the world.
10. Learn how your brain shapes reality — then use that knowledge to reshape reality!
If you think any of these Big Ideas are pie-in-the-sky nonsense, you’re wrong.
Read this book. Learn the truth. Be inspired.
Then get busy ending hate, transforming global culture, and changing the world.The future is in your hands!
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“This is spiritual memoir at its finest, at once insightful, funny, honest and profoundly moving. But more, I am amazed how artfully, yet accurately, King manages to weave a treasure trove of important, hands-on spiritual knowledge into this deeply personal, riotously entertaining narrative.”
— Harold Zo, author of Zo-Zen: Zen Buddhist Essays and Insights from the Small Town “Big Mind” of Harold Zo
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What’s the difference between imagination and creativity? Are artists creative, or are they just troublemakers? Are you sabotaging your own creativity? Is blogging worthy of your creative talent?
Follow Jack Preston King as he takes an informative and deeply personal dive into these questions and more. Discover the natural cycle of inspiration (when you fight it, you lose); learn the proper care and feeding of your muse; take your brain to the next level of creativity; explore the perils of pseudonyms, why people buy books, the dangers of blogging, and one joyous solution to the Art VS Money dilemma that plagues most successful creatives.
Not just for writers, Creative + Writer is a book of insight and inspiration for every artist who longs to more successfully court their personal, creative muse.
Like an Astonished Magician
I picture God scratching
his head as the cosmos
BigBangs! into being,
the best 4th of July ever.
Let There Be Light!
simply doesn’t do it justice.
It’s his trick, so he knows
how he fooled the cheering crowd.
Still, he has to admit
he’s impressed. Even he
is oohing and aahing,
authentically astonished.
Was that hidden in his hat the whole time?
From the pleasures of mature love (While ember kisses/stirred between two lifetimes twined in love/and years, those romance doesn’t know about), to Yeats-inspired Celtic witchery, to visions of angels, flying saucers, and meeting yourself in a dream, Like an Astonished Magician is a no-downer, zero-navel-gazing poetic celebration of love, life, the imagination, and, of course, magic.
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A man’s guilt becomes a doorway to a hidden realm…
A virtual model seduces the world…
A damned soul flees Dante’s Inferno, with an evil Archangel in hot pursuit…
A man finds almost everyone on Earth is an alien in disguise…
A young housewife discovers her latent superpowers…
Discover A World In Edgewise, where these sidereal journeys – and many more – await!
“The stories in Jack Preston King's A World In Edgewise: 13 Sidereal Journeys alternately disturb me, haunt me, make me think, and send sinfully titillating tingles of delight running up and down my spine, often delivering all of these sensations at once.” — Harold Zo, author of Zo-Zen: Zen Buddhist Essays and Insights from the Small Town “Big Mind” of Harold Zo.
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Is the Moon alive?
Are Reptilians secretly living among us?
Could aliens be angels?
Can love change the past?
The answers to these question – and many more! – await in 14 X 7: Fourteen Stories in 7,000 words - SciFi Flash Fiction. Here’s proof that good things come in small packages!
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In a near-future America that looks a whole lot like today...
A foreign-born Antichrist sits in the White House, and through the power of the Presidency, secretly rules the world...
Religion as we know it has been outlawed, and all knowledge of the old beliefs has been wiped from human memory...
A State-sponsored, New Age cult of self-worship has taken organized religion's place, and controls the hearts and minds of the world. The Gospel of Self denies the existence of objective good or evil, and preaches moral relativism and the virtue of selfishness ...
In the Midwest small town of Arkady, a luminous woman begins appearing to children. She tells them a story about a real living Evil that has taken over their world, and of an objective, loving Good that is on its way to save them. Her son – her seed is the mysterious term she uses – will crush the Evil and bring Good back to the world...
But not if President for Life Michael Oglesby has anything to say about it. When a series of prophecies appear to be coming true, with one very special little girl at their center, a hidden Remnant of believers emerge to rally around the child... While forces of darkness mobilize to destroy her at any cost...
I invite you to read Children of the Good for free. It is available online, in its totality, here:
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